
In February 1920, Mrs. Dora Nelson and her two grand daughters, Willa Mae White and Mattie Pearl White, moved to Perris, California, at that time, there were no other colored families here and no church for colored people. So Mrs. Nelson and her grand daughters went by bus to Riverside every Sunday for Church service.

In the latter part of 1921, Mr. Owen and Mrs. Martha Williams and family moved to Perris. Mrs. Nelson, a devout Christian woman began to feel the need for a Prayer meeting place. So she graciously opened the doors of her home. The Prayer meetings were held every Wednesday evening.

About that time Mrs. Ida Dunnigan and family, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Williams, moved to Perris. Then Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Pauline, and the Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan from Kansas City moved to Perris. They all joined the Prayer group.

In the year 1924, the Lord gave Rev. A. F. Seaton a vision to go to Perris. He came to Perris and found this little band of Christians worshipping and serving the Lord to the best of their ability in Sis. Dora Nelsons humble home.

Rev. Seaton was led to organize a Church. A lot on the corner of 7th and "F" Street was purchased from Hartford Real Estate Company for $55.00 Mr. Hartford donated the first $5.00. This was to be the first home of the Church. 

Rev. A.F. Seaton organized the First Baptist Church of Perris on the 24th day of August, 1924, under a large China Berry tree in front of Sis. Dora Nelsons home. Rev. F.W. Cooper, Pastor of the Second Baptist Church of Riverside acted as Moderator. Those present were: Rev. A.F. Seaton, Sis. Dora Nelson, Sis. Willa Mae White (Taylor), Sis. Mattie Pearl White (Dennis), Sis. Martha Williams, Bro. Owen Williams, Rev. Freeman R. Williams-Pastor of St. Mark Baptist Church- San Bernardino; also Deacons from St. Mark, Deacon Sersey and Deacon Sweet. Reverend A.F. Seaton pastorate the church from 1924 to 1926. In 1926 Rev. Seaton decided that his mission had been accomplished. So the work of the church was turned over to Reverend S. H. Goodwin of Riverside.

On November 29, 1926, The First Baptist Church of Perris was incorporated by the State of California. The document of Incorporation was signed by Sis. Dora Nelson, Sis. Willa Mae Taylor, Sis. Berta Lewis, Sis. Rebecca Young, Brother Owen Williams and Rev. S. H. Goodwin.  Rev. S.H. Goodwin served for almost 2 years and felt that his time was up, so he asked to be released.

On September 18, 1927, Reverend J. D. Johnson was called to Pastor the Church. Reverend Johnson and his grandchildren drove from Riverside every Sunday for worship service. He led the Church for 17 years; improving the building and gaining a larger membership. He was loved by everyone for his good works. He served until 1943.

On September 26, 1943, Rev. Alexander M. Cobbs was called to Pastor the Church. Under his teaching and guidance, the Church grew in number, spiritually and financially. In 1945, Reverend Cobbs received a revelation from God; of a bigger and better building.

Lots number 10, 11, and 12, on the corner of 5th and "F" Street were purchased from Sis. Dora Davis and Bro. Lonnie Davis; the daughter and son in law of Sis. Willa Mae Taylor (grand daughter of Sis. Dora Nelson) Reverend Cobbs was the Architect of the church building. And it was built by the membership. Christian men such as Bro. James Johnson, Bro. Peevy, Bro Albert Banks, and Reverend Sweeney. It took approximately two years to build. It had a Prayer Tower with an eight foot neon Cross on top. 

Some time later, a kitchen with dining area was built in a separate building to the rear of the church. This is the second and present home of the First Baptist Church. This edifice stands as a beacon light; pointing men, women, boys and girls to Christ. Sis. Mezzie Lee Davis joined First Baptist Church in 1945 during Reverend Cobb’s pastorate. She served First Baptist Church for 45 years until her death, October 15, 1990. Reverend A.M. Cobbs served the Church for 19 years, from 1943 to his death, March 28, 1963.

After the death of Reverend Cobbs, Rev. F.B. McCollough, the Assistant Pastor, served for 19 months, from April 1963 to October 1964. He left to be a traveling preaching Evangelist.

In October 1964, Reverend James D. Matthews from the St Mark Missionary Baptist church, San Bernardino, was called to be Pastor. He was installed November 22, 1964. Through his leadership, the folding chairs in the sanctuary were replaced by Pews. The vestibule was enlarged in 1969 by Bro. Robert Love, and the Church property was fenced. Due to his declining health, Pastor Matthews retired July 2, 1970.

Reverend Charles C. Connor was called to Pastor in January 1971. Along with him came his wife Sis. Rosia L., and children, LaGretta, Francis Jay, Rodney Ray and Vincent. Under his leadership, we grew spiritually and financially and more believers were added to the Church. Many improvements were made.

Church was painted inside and outside

Church was carpeted

Bought lot adjourning the church, parking lot extended and paved.

Bought parsonage on 6th Street

Choir Robes were purchased

Church bus was purchased through the Youth Department under the supervision of Deaconess Mezzie Davis.

Bought a Baby Grand Piano costing $6000 and paid off in six months

Bought a Lesley Organ

Central Heating and Air Conditioning installed

      Purchased Pews with cushions for the Choir stand. Put cushions on other pews.

During Reverend Connors ministry, three young ministers were called and licensed; Rodney Ray Connors, Frederick Kearney, and Ronnie Gibson. Also Deacon Jonas S. Roquemore was called and licensed. Rev. Rodney Ray Connor and Rev. Jonas S. Roquemore were Ordained April 10, 1983. Bro. Garfield Greer was ordained as a Deacon. Sis. Mattie Pearl Dennis was the only founding member here at that time, and she went to her reward.

The Lord truly blessed us under Reverend Connors ministry. Reverend Charles C. Connor served from January 1971 until his death December 28, 1986. His was a 15 year labor of Love. The song I will remember him singing is "He's Sweet, I know".

Once again, the First Baptist Church was without an under shepherd. The church went into prayer and contacted the Tri-County Dist. association. Dr. Foster sent Rev. Marvin L. Brown from the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, San Bernardino.

Reverend Brown accepted the Call April 7, 1987 and was installed April 26, 1987. Sis. Willa Mae Washington, daughter of Sis. Willa Mae Taylor, and Great granddaughter of Sis. Dora Nelson born 1/31/28 and died December 5, 1991.

During Pastor Brown’s ministry, we continued to grow spiritually, financially and more souls have come to Christ. Numerous improvements were made:

--Implementation of Food Give Away Program

--implementation of Clothing Give Away Program

--Purchase of one trailer and a trailer modular for 

 Sunday School Class rooms.

--Renovation of Church sanctuary

--Implementation of two Sunday Services; 7:45am, and 10:45am

--Renew Church incorporation and established Tax exemption status  under 501.c3

--Purchase of (6) 50 X 50 lots to build upon

--Added the Male Chorus to our existing three choirs (Senior Choir, Young Adult Choir, and Children Choir)

A new Church was built on the adjacent corner 311 E. 5th Street. We marched in on Sunday, January 26, 2003. Hallelujah. Reverend Brown served as Pastor until our Lord called him from Labor to reward on October 13, 2003. 

Rev. Connor Robinson, Jr. was called April 6, 2004 and installed May 16, 2004. Reverend Connor Robinson, Jr. and his wife, Sister Janice Robinson is now leading the Saints at The First Baptist Church of Perris.

--In September 2006, opened a church owned day care facility  “It’s A Small World Development Center” which 

            closed in July 2011.

--Purchased a double wide Trailer Module for use as a Multi-Purpose building. 

--Established a community based organization

 “People Enabling People”, which is a separate entity with its own 501.C3 status.

Pastor-Teacher Terry L. Wells was selected as the Interim Pastor of First Baptist Church on May 21, 2017. He later accepted God’s call to become the Pastor of First Baptist Church on November 4, 2017 and was installed January 21, 2018. 

Proverbs 18:22 says “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord”. The Lord has favored Pastor Wells for over 31 years with his wife, First Lady Shadelle Wells. They are the proud parents of two adult children, Terae Wells and Aalyiah Wells, Son in Love Phillip Perry and Daughter in Love Selina Wells. They are also the Proud Grandparents of 4 boys and 2 girls. They remain faithful servants of the congregation and the community surrounding First Baptist Church of Perris.

During Reverend Wells ministry, two ministers were called and pending licensing; Ebony Glover and Clayton Walker.

First Baptist Church under the leadership of Pastor Wells, has partnered with Non-Profit 

--“Give By Faith, Inc.” for annual Toy Drive’s 

-- Boys 2 Men

-- Grief Share and Lost Ministry

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